Monday, October 31, 2005

Secret Squirrel, Vampire Umpire, Demon Priest, and Alex De Large Posted by Picasa

The World of Nicholas E. Solon, Esq.

The World of Nicholas E. Solon, Esq... The above link goes to Nick's Website. Nick is the grotesque living dead person below this post. You'd never guess this is his website, but oh well. The world if full of conflicts and contradictions. My biggest question is the the "World of Nicholas E. Solon, ESQ? He isn't a lawyer. So why the Esquire?.. Is he a swiss Watch? hmmmm.. oh.. I've got it.. just did a search on "esquire" from .. to save you the click here is the def:

es·quire (skwr, -skwr)

1. A man or boy who is a member of the gentry in England ranking directly below a knight.
2. Abbr. Esq. Used as an honorific usually in its abbreviated form, especially after the name of an attorney or a consular officer: Jane Doe, Esq.; John Doe, Esq.
3. In medieval times, a candidate for knighthood who served a knight as an attendant and a shield bearer.
4. Archaic. An English country gentleman; a squire.

I'm guessing he is going for def. #4 - but wouldn't that mean the abbreviation would be .ASQ - yet again . I just don't know.. Wouldn't you need to be from England to be an English Gentleman? I thought Nick was from Michigan. Maybe that explains it. Just a thought.

Nick Solon won 1st prize in the -"Make People Puke w/ Your Costume" Contest. It wouldn't have been so bad had he not also developed a rotting flesh smell to accompany the outfit. Way to go Nick! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

NADA SURF- Out with a new album


Crazy crazy stuff.. So I'm listening to the new record.. Cool so far. I do love some Nada Surf. Franz Ferdinand has a new record out too. I like it. I also found a new band I like. The Go! Team.. The rock Sox. Lots of good stuff out there. Listen to it people.

3rd Dimension Design News

We moved into our new office on Tues. It is a little crazy having to go downtown to work. The office is really nice and I hope it gives 3DD a sense of professionality. I'm also happy to see that has finally acheived a page rank above 1. The page rank is only 3 but that is still better than 1. Visionportfolio has also increased it page rank from 1 to 4 which is a very large change.

Aside from being a little anxious about all the changes, we seem to be going in the right direction. I hope we don't get mislead by our choices. I need to stay grounded.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bear Dancing in the street..

I really don't have anything to add except; that is me in the bear costume

Thursday, October 06, 2005