Tuesday, May 09, 2006

EvC Forum: Does randomness exist?

Just found this and was very intrigued. Smarter people than I respond in this forum. It has been quite some time that I have read something that I went, "Hmm, I'm pretty dumb." I found this forum by looking into the golden ratio or 1.6183:1 . I hadn't seen this number or even thought about it in 10 years, where I had seen it in a disney film in Geometry class as a Sophmore.

As a graphic designer, I could really learn something from this rather attractive number. Human beings find it beautiful since its ratio is so "correct". The ratio is seen every where in the natural world; found in subjects like flowers and shells that humans find beautiful. It would only seem natural that a designer, whose main purpose is creating beautiful layouts for clients, should add the golden ratio into his arsenal of creativeness. It would at the very least speed my creative process along.

Whatever the case, it is imperative that I learn more about it before trying to execute using it.

Ah well, it would be nice to be 18 again, and KNOW EVERYTHING!

Monday, May 08, 2006

European Adventure

Just got back from Europe. A bit fried and reeally tired. Thought I would notate the date in history. ... Also got lots of catching up to do in the work department.

I wonder why Google stripped the blogs page rank. I love some google, but that sux none the less. I want my 2 page rank back

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Bonnaroo 06

The artist list looks fantastic. I bought my tickets about a 2 weeks ago. I'm excited cuz It will probably be the last festival I go to. I'm a little weary cuz I'm not a big "camping out doors" type of guy and I don't exactly handle the hot very well. I can almost promise it is goint to be a scorcher this year.

I'm crazy

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Flaming Lips: At War With Complacency

MTVNews.com: The Flaming Lips: At War With Complacency happens to be a great article on the adventures of The Flaming Lips at the SXSW festival in Austin TX.

I have to admit I have just half heartedly followed the Flaming Lips, but I have never once over looked their influence on music. So check out the article if you feel a little like looking at some legends. I especially like the part about starting a parade- (The lips started a parade after their show because there was too many people at the concert for the tiny venue to hold - so rather than disappoint- they started a parade through Austin- much to the dislike of the local police and security). Great tale. You can't make this stuff up.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I have just gotten back into comix and here is the really freaky part; I'm actually reading them. I picked up a handful of comix the other day to try out, and DMZ happened to be one of them. DMZ is written by Brian Wood who is obviously a household name when it comes to comix. It is a wicked awesome read and anyone over the age of 13 would enjoy it. Love the graphix and everything. I'm going to try and pick up the rest of the issues ASAP. Just thought I would spread the love.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Fried Ideas

1st off : $10 a week art contest. Like a Jam but the winner -as voted on by the peers- wins $10 cash- no questions asked.

2nd: When a person uploads art the have the option of putting their paypal data along with a sell price. This means anyone viewing it can have the option to buy original- of course this means uploading the original art, but makes it very easy to make money off a competition piece.

3rd: add store for folks to "add" their pieces to the gallery for sale- upload same as it is to enter contest.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Octabong, LLC I honestly couldn't make this up. An 8 chambered beer bong with 8 hoses . Everyone gets a hose and you can race. It is fantastic.. The possibilities are endless. My idea is plug 7 of the holes and leave one hose open and funnel 8 beers -- now that is my ideer of a challenge

Monday, March 13, 2006

Fried Crispy online maggy

I really wanted to draw this out, but I couldn't find my book, and then I wanted to write this out and this was the best place I could think of to post my ideas. I don't rightly know if anyone is going to read this, so I think it should just be best if I do it here and whatever happens happens.. Right?

Okay.. I'm turning Fried Crispy.com into an online maggy. I don't really have enough time to post it all the time, and quite frankly I don't think that i have enough endurance and creativity to constantly produce the same type of info all the time and consistently good.. so what i'm going to do , and what seems the most novel to me is: create an online magazine that comes out monthly and is different every time.

The front page will change every month.. That said.. articles will change.. interviews will change.. everything will change.. and if I want to have a character comeback - they can.. if they don't want to then they don't have to.. The important thing to keep in mind though is that it would only have to be fresh once a month.. and it wouldn't have to be deep. all it really has to do is have links directly from the front. ...

This probably isn't even a new idea.. it just is the way that I want Fried Crispy to become.. I've been thinking this over for a bit and it just seems too complicated to have constant/static sections that keep growing and growing. I don't honestly think I can come up with sections that are even broad enough to add to.. It would be much easier just to draw a cover / slice it up and add on from there. It gives the website a much more fluid life of its own and doesn't rely on one grand idea-- it can change over and over.

So i've talked myself into it. Now I just need to come up with some cool articles for March.

Articles for March:
  • Rain and the Other Fantastic Elements that Make up Weather

  • He-man, the interview of a Life time

  • 15 reasons to keep breathing..that aren't very good

  • My Cat

  • Cartoons without pants

  • Spring Fashion-Nude is in

  • How I spent Spring Break: What I don't remember but my camera does

  • Letters from Your Mom

  • Card Carrying Freaks

  • Residue

  • I truly think that this could turn out to be something interesting at least.

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    ReyJr_pic2.gif (GIF Image, 299x439 pixels)

    MMMM Lemme touch the tatas--- I will let you guess what is behind my cobra command crotch of Destruction

    Saturday, March 04, 2006

    Sunny Dog - courtesy of Solidox Records

    Sunny Dog

    A fresh new tune from the makers of "That's too bad" and "Laying in the Road" Remember to enjoy it safetly.

    Thursday, February 23, 2006

    Julian's Dining Room and Lounge. Daytona Beach

    Today I was looking at some pictures I had of my Daytona Beach Trip Aug of 2004. I've been using those pictures for a project I'm doing for Spring Break this year called Xtreme Spring As I was looking through the pix I found a picture of a menue I had taken when in Ormond Beach. The menu was for Julians Dining Room and Lounge. This place has been owned by the same person since it was built in 1967. This place had one of the best atmosphere's I've ever had the chance to enjoy. The interior looks like it hasn't changed since 67' either. The restaurant has a hawaiian feel to it that is awesome. The food was really good too. They had live music for our dining experience and the singer even came to our table for pictures. All in all it was one of my favorite dining experience of all time and just remeniscing about it makes me want to drive 10 hours all the way back just for a fantastic meal. I hope it doesn't change before I get a chance to go back. Dining there makes you feel like you are in a movie. Check outJulian's Dining Room and Lounge. Daytona Beach Florida

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    Sponge Bob is the Man : Poem

    Sponge Bob is the man.
    Living in Japan.
    Sitting on the Coast
    making Castles in the Sand.

    Playing with a boat.
    Filled with lots of goats.
    Writing songs
    and writing tunes
    that have lots of notes.

    Sure the man is yellow
    but quite the nicest fellow
    Full of holes,
    without any moles
    when wet he jiggs like Jello

    Strong like an ox he Flexes
    Has run as far as texas
    As fast as a bee
    the strongest is he
    And rich, he drives a Lexus


    I've been having problems with blogger. Don't exactly know what is going on, but I hope to resolve it soon.

    Stalin World in Lithuania

    Absolutely nuts- Is it better to laugh or cry? These fellers believe something and I'm not sure what it is. If you think you know, let me know. Check out
    "Stalin World in Lithuania"

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    Getting Tea Bagged

    Goodness I can't even imagine how aweful it would be to eat 100 burgers. Or how aweful it would be getting tea bagged

    Monday, January 23, 2006


    As if the 8 1/2 didn't catch your eye, just thought I would drop a link link to the blog of the mind behind wookified productions. I find it refreshing that there are those unworldly minds out there producing fresh copy for us lowly minions. Oh to be creative and slick // and or // link and repeat what they produce. tee hee

    Wookified Productions: Now Playing

    Wookified Productions: Now Playing

    - It is a very special day when you can come home from work, and when you are asked " Did you do or see anything interesting today?" by your significant other or mother or family member or friend, that you can honestly say.. "Well yes I did." I can honestly answer this today. I have seen something interesting and should be shared with many many people. Meet William Colon - anal cosmetologist. He is an innovative mind with his heart on revolution. This man's name will be remembered; I know this. Take a gander at 8 1/2 and you won't be disappointed. I SWEAR.

    Wookified Productions: Now Playing

    Wookified Productions: Now Playing

    Friday, January 20, 2006

    powerpoint to exe - powerpoint, presentations, autorun, multimedia, templates

    powerpoint to exe - powerpoint, presentations, autorun, multimedia, templates

    PowerPoint to Exe is pretty amazing stuff. I was suprised to see the utility buried inside windows IExpress. That is down right crazy. I need to remember this stuff. Amazing

    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    Solidox is sick

    sick sick sick. got the worst sinus head ache I've had in awhile. Had to get the navy seal stuff uploaded. Will be starting on sweet 16 stuff soon. Also have to get to Savage Garnish.com as well as revamp for ihigh. Silly goof on my part. the forums for kyrenfaire are misspelled. Don't know what I'm talking about go to www.kyrenfaire.com/forums/ and laugh