Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Save the Earth or something

Ever since I saw the "How it all Ends" videos (Thanks Jason) I've been thinking about how to actually make a difference.  Amazingly it is rather hard to find resources, but I did find a few things that I could take away, so below are my findings.  I would also like it if the few people who possibly read this , to comment on this blog with any resources they have found.

First up is the "GREEN MOVEMENT"... we've all heard about it, but when I tried to think about actual ways of going green I was stuck.  Well, I found a site with 10 ways to "Go Green" >>go
I'll post the abridged version here:
  1. Re-route your commute.
  2. Buy used.
  3. Buy local.
  4. Compost your food scraps.
  5. Change the thermostat setting and install energy saving devices.
  6. Skip the bottled water at the grocery or convenience store.
  7. Make your own cleaning supplies.
  8. Think twice about new electronics.
  9. Add one meatless meal per week.
  10. Use your local library and other public amenities.
I was a little surprised at a few of the ways.  I would never have thought about the "Meatless Meal" but it makes sense.  Let's look at a few others ones.  Reroute your commute is pretty obvious.  Buying Used is good, however most people won't.  My thing is I just don't buy often, so I suppose my small income is making me enviromentally friendly. Buying Local is a great thing.  Composting my food scraps - Don't really do that, but most of the time I throw bad fruit and veg in my back yard and we recycle.  The thermostat setting is always a little high in the summer and low in the winter. I do need to insulate more.  Don't buy bottled water much. 7. making your own cleaning supplies is a tad too hippy...8.  Wow.. I've got trouble with this... however I don't really throw my old stuff out.. If I were to I'd just donate them. 9. Meatless meal... hmmm.. I could do that. 10.  I got the internet.. what more do I need?

So those were some good tips.  I really like the local aspect.  It really does help out everyone to buy local.  Not to mention the health benefits of eating fresh produce.  I just need a good local brewery  and I'd be set.

That was my resource for going green, but what about the stuff I don't want to give up . . . like my electricity.  I spent some additional time looking for info about solar panel systems and other alternative resources.  Again I kind of hit a wall.  The best site I could find for solar power kits and tips was Backwoods Solor Systems >>Go.  They have some really good tips for moving to alternative energy systems, not to mention the access to actually start building and acquiring solar panels etc to get started.  Looks like you can start building systems for as low  as a few thousand dollars.  A really great resources on the site is the recommendations for appliances (refridgerators and such). Ever wanted an energy efficient refrigerator >>Go here. 

So I've found some good info.  I even found some cool gadgets to help you go green.  The "Solio™, is a Universal "Hybrid" Charger powerful enough to charge all of your handheld electronic products at home or on the move, anywhere under the sun. "  Check it out >>. 

I'm not a tree hugging hippy that would die for and owl.  I love living in a psuedo city (Lexington) that has mostly suburban housing with the amenities of a city.  I love having neighbors I can walk to, bars I can walk to, groceries I can walk to and everything else.  I like driving 3 minutes to work and being able to do what I want in a 10 mile radius, but I also like the thought of doing it without killing the Earth and Environment at the same time.

I'm not much of an activist and I'm not a zealot, but I thought about some ways I could make a difference without really giving up my lifestyle.  I think I found a few answers and most importantly I educated myself for when I need to buy a new appliance or possible ways of switching to alternative power.

Let me know what you guys are doing, or ways you've thought of that you can make a difference withouth sacrificing your lives.

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