Monday, August 12, 2013

Customizr Slider: Create and edit new slider

The customizr Theme for Wordpress features a very large slider on the home page that is somewhat difficult to edit. The theme has a demo slider installed with little to no direction on how to edit it. below are the steps necessary for creating and editing the slider.

1. Create and image for the slider

The dimensions the default slider is 1200 X 500

2. Upload the image

Click the "Add new" link under Media.
Select your file and upload (you can upload more sliders if you want to at this time. Adding them to the slider is the same once the slider has been created)

3. Click "Edit"

Editing Media: In this window you can add captions, descriptions and add this media to your slider. We first need to create a new slider. Near the bottom of the page there will be a section called "Slider Options"
  1. By default this will be set to "No" - Change it to yes.
  2. The title - this will be the Main title of your slide
  3. Description - is the text below the title on the slide
  4. Link - You can choose the slide to link to a page of the site
  5. Choose a Slider - If this is your first time creating a slider you will have to make a slider to add your photo to. In the box type out the name of your slider and hit "Add a slider"
Once you've completed your first media upload and created your new slider. you can just repeat the process on the rest of your slide items.

4. Add a slide from Media Library

Upload your new image and from the media library click "Edit". From the new window navigate to the slider options at the bottom. You can Add a title and description like described in number 3. above. This time though:

  1. Instead of creating a new slider, use the drop down to select the slider
  2. You can delete the entire slider from this screen
  3. To arrange the items in the slide, just drag and drop them into order
Finally once you've finished editing the slider be sure to save that slide's information before navigating away. Click the "Update" button

Set Your New Slider to the Home Page

  1. Click Appearance on the left Bar - then select Customiz'it.
  2. Next Click "Front Page" from the left Nav
  3. choose your new slider from the "SLIDER OPTIONS".
  4. Save and close
For more information check out the links below.
Message board on theme

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