Thursday, November 03, 2005

Things that I need to finish

It's already november, and I still have so many things to finish. Don't get me wrong, I've gotten lots of things completed and alot of things started, but I also have a very very long list of things that are just sitting there waiting to be finished.
The first thing that I need to finish is the new tutorial section for This will be a great addition for the site because it will allow for more tutorials and more diverse tutorials at that. I want to be able to include tuts for flash, css, photography, music . . . all sorts of things. I really want to become a great resource for everyone.
Second, I want to finish Discount This site was a suprise for my uncle. I wanted to give his old site something new. Make it stand out, and bring new business. His older site was definitely not very pretty and I think that probably hurt his business. The site was good in the 90's. not so much these days.
Third, I want to finish Official, and Both of these sites have potential, but I just don't have the expertise to finish these sites alone. They need alot of help, but I don't have the resources or time for either venture.
Fourth, I want to finish Drink This one has potential, as well as interest. This website would benefit every college student in the world. It has a lot of possibility to just take off, but unfortunately it would need expertise that I don't have.

Sooo.. looks like I need to get busy doesn't it.


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